Sunday, February 24, 2013

My motivation

This idea I had about informing people about military life came from a friend of my mothers. On facebook she had posted something that really impacted me. One of her sons, Peyton was playing outside with some friends. They had just moved from Kuwait to Florida and were settling in. Some other kids from Peyton's school walked by and yelled "Hey Kuwait, I thought you didn't have any friends". I was very moved  by this. Pissed off in fact. Just because we grew up moving around a lot didn't mean we didn't have friends. I remember ranting to my mom about it and getting really worked up. This is the event that inspired my play idea. I was just getting in deep with theatre and felt like it was the best way to communicate what military kids go through. This idea was born in between rage and sadness so it wasn't thought out very well and soaked in my own bias. So it never got written, I didn't know how to go about it. But the idea was always on my mind.

This past week I had the opportunity to attend The Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival in Sacramento CA. One of the shows that was showcased was called Welcome Home Jenny Sutter by Julie Marie Myatt presented by The University of Idaho. It's about a US Marine who comes home from war but isn't ready to go back to her children. It's about her struggle coming back from the war and attempting to get back into "real life"

I loved it, I cried like a baby during the show too. If the young woman and young man who were sitting next to me are reading this, I do apologize. 

After seeing this show something with in me said, you need to write this play. I have this new found passion for this project. I want to write this play for the military children that get bullied or get confused when mommy or daddy deploy. Join me as I take on this project to inform the general public about military life. And hopefully help other military families cope with military life. 

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